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Monday, March 10, 2025


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Education of girls : Mali among the 10 «bad students»

For the past 6 years, the International Women’s Day, initiated by the UN Women’s Agency, has been celebrated on October 11. On this occasion, the ONE NGO publishes a report entitled «Access of girls to education in the world: bad students».

Mali (ranked 6th in the ranking) found a place on the podium of the 10 «bad students», with South Sudan, Central African Republic, Niger, Chad, Mali, Guinea, Liberia, Burkina Faso Faso, Ethiopia and, only country outside the continent, Afghanistan.

Today, «more than 130 million girls are not educated in the world”», deplores ONE NGO, which seeks to know through this report the reasons why some girls remain on the sidelines in education. Some of those enrolled in school attend school in difficult conditions, while others are in classes where conditions are not met.

It happens that the 10 countries, 9 of which are located in Africa, where girls have the least access to education, are fragile and poor. The many obstacles are social, cultural and economic. In these countries, girls marry before the age of 18 and «on average, one girl in four is obliged to work». And last but not least, «one in three children suffers from growth problems due to poor nutrition». As a result, nearly half a billion women can not read in the world.

The report explains that in Mali, «less than half (38%) of girls have completed primary school». The ranking was in 122 countries. It was made on the basis of data belonging to UNESCO, through 11 indicators reflecting access to education for girls, the completion and quality of their education, as well as the wider sectorial situation of education: the rate of out-of-school girls of primary school age, primary education, lower and upper cycle of secondary education; the average number of years of schooling for women aged 25 and above; the literacy rate among the female population aged 15-24; etc.