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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


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Kidal : raid on the homes of a wealthy «businessman», seven people arrested

The French army led, on Sunday, October 1, at dawn, a raid against two homes belonging to Mahamadou Ag Rhissa, a rich «businessman» in Kidal. He was arrested along with six others and at least three vehicles burnt.

 The doors and walls were demolished in addition to three burnt vehicles, according to residents. The French soldiers of Operation Barkane made a strong raid this Sunday morning at the two homes of Mahamadou AG Rhissa in the Adrar des Ifoghas. «They arrived and checked the sorroundings for several hours», adds another local source.

According to our information, Mr. Rhissa is a wealthy «businessman» who operates in particular in the «smuggling of fuel». «He has trucks that transport fuel from Algeria to Kidal», says a local source contacted by «I also know that he is in the transport of migrants. Several migrants arrive in Talahandak, on the Algerian border on his behalf», adds another local resident of the region.

The man is also a member of the Azawad Unity High Council (HCUA), an armed group member of the former rebels of the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) and is suspected of having terrorist networks.