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Monday, March 10, 2025


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Mali : In Gao, young people organize themselves against insecurity

Faced with the resurgence of insecurity in the city of Gao, young volunteers set up a watchdog brigade, operational since mid-July. Immersion report with the supervisors in the streets of Gao.
We are at the patrol headquarters this Friday, August 11. Supervisors are giving the latest instructions and making the final adjustments. It is half passed midnight, the supervision mission begins in the Gadèye neighborhood still called the 2nd neighborhood. We embark in one of the vehicles in the company of the supervisor Abba Hamane to roam the main arteries and the streets of Gao.
In the city, young people have erected makeshift barricades at the various checkpoints and indicate their presence to us using a torch. There is a barrier every 50 meters. Identity and motorcycle vignettes checks are regular. “I am very happy. The day before yesterday, stolen motorcycles were found at the gendarmerie thanks to the control. I encourage them to continue the patrol”,said a motorcyclist.

In Sossoikoira, more precisely at the corner of the basic school, several robberies took place at nightfall. Since the watch brigade is in place, no incident has been recorded according to the supervisor Mikeylou Napon: “It’s been three weeks that we have not heard of robbery or assault. The result is positive and we have the support of civil society”.

And another member of the supervisory team added: “The results are convincing, there has been no human death since we started the activity. We have recovered a few motorcycles that were handed over to the security forces. The owners of the motorcycles can pick them up with supporting documents from the competent authorities”.

Despite the will and determination of these young people from different communities, difficulties remain. “The young people lack food, they are not protected, because to fight insecurity one must have equipment. But since we are not military, we are not allowed to have weapons,” said Djitteye, a member of the supervision team.


Peace process in Mali: in Gao, the MOC doesn’t reassure anymore

We continue the tour of the city without meeting the defense and security forces, nor the elements of the Operational Coordination Mechanism (MOC). “You have been with us since half passed midnight and until now you have not met any national or foreign security forces. It is young people who are encountered in the streets securing their own population,” Abba Hamane explains.

According to members of the civil resistance movements, all the forces present in the city were informed before the start of these patrols. “We have participated in several security meetings where we explained our objective, which is really to help the security forces to protect people and their property,” said Hama Djamoin, a member of the civil resistance movements. It was also him who ensured that night permanency at the headquarters of the young patrolmen.

All night, the supervisors roam to sensitize the young people about nonviolence and to be courteous towards the population. Supervision is carried out in collaboration with the heads of sector, the heads of base and post. In case of arrests, the watch brigade alerts the security forces to continue the work.

It is 4:00 am, we return to the patrol headquarters. The supervisors gather to discuss and make assessment of that night. In 30 min, no barrier will be visible in the streets of the city of Askia.