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Friday, March 28, 2025


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Mali : Interim authorities are «operational» for IBK, «not fully» for UN

In a new report on Mali, the UN Secretary General indicated that the interim authorities «are not fully operational» in the north of the country despite the adoption of a «priority action plan». On September 19, from the UN podium, Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita insisted on the contrary.

«Interim authorities and transitional colleges, key elements of the Agreement, are operational in the 5 regions of the North», the Malian president welcomed. «Not fully» for António Guterres mainly because of «internal rivalries and inadequate administrative and budgetary means and planning capacities».

In the Kidal region, members of the interim authorities from the Platform, the other signatory armed group of the agreement, have still not been able to go there. Due in particular to the tensions that have existed for several months around the establishment of mixed patrols.

Strengthening the capacities of the interim authorities

For the UN, the interim authorities do not have sufficient «planning capacities» even though those of Gao, Ménaka, Taoudenni and Timbuktu «have adopted a priority action plan which aimed to provide access to public funding for the provision of basic services».

That’s why on June 28, the Peacebuilding Fund launched a capacity-building project for the interim authorities in Ménaka and Taoudenni, according to the report. The aspects related to the territorial division, public works and the provision of basic services were notably on the menu.

Moussa Touré