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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


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Mali: the « Bamako » series, polygamy at the heart of the plot

The new « Bamako » series, shooting in the Malian capital tells the story of a polygamous home « united in adversity ». Objective: to show everything beautiful in our capitals, according to the director.

After the “Conakry” series, which left more than one wanting more, the Scenarii agency, headed by Jean Noel Bah, settled down in Mali as part of a project to make a film in the African capitals. According to Mr. Bah, Ivorian director and producer, it is « an old matured project since years: try to roam the great African metropolises ». He explains that the idea came from emigration: « More and more young people in Africa no longer have faith in politics, in their capitals, so they embark on this perilous journey and we know the consequences. We want to show these young people that in each of our cities there are integration opportunities. It is about showing everything beautiful in our capitals. »

« Conakry », which had an « impressive » reception by the Guinean public according to Mr. Bah was the pilot. But it is after the filming of the « Cotonou » series in Benin, which is in editing that Scenarii has set sail on Bamako. This, with the support of the Union of Mali filmmakers whose general secretary, Salif Traoré, believes that « it is a series that deserves to be supported. It is an integration project ». The Ivorian company, Air Côte d’Ivoire, is providing logistical support to the project.

Polygamy at the heart of the plot

« Bamako » is a series of 26 episodes of 26 minutes that will discuss the life of Brahima, a stable polygamist in his home whose life will shift when he decides to marry a third woman who is the same age as his children, and which will be the target of fierceness on the part of her co-wives who only want her departure. But it happens that the third wife also has a romantic relationship with the nephew of Brahima, her husband. The choice of the theme, explains the director is based on what is said and written about the country on blogs, in the press …

A hundred Malian actors, recruited during a casting at the Palais de la Culture Amadou Hampaté Bâ, will participate in the series. The shooting which began May 4, will last two months. The main role is played by the actor Fily Traoré, talented actor who has played in more than a dozen films including « Sia ». Before the broadcast of the series on the A + channel, a screening will take place on July 1, 2017 at the Magic Babemba cinema. « It is an ambitious project which the structure that I run, Scenarri did not have the means of realization. This is how Canal + agreed to accompany us », adds Jean Noel Bah. Aziz Diallo, Managing Director of Canal + Mali, says that the aim is to « make Mali the benchmark for audiovisual entertainment in Africa. This project promotes Malian culture and talents ». After Bamako, it will be the turn of Bujumbura, Niamey, Abidjan, Libreville, N’Djamena, Kinshasa, Nouakchott, Lome.

Boubacar Sangaré