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Monday, March 10, 2025


32.2 C
27.2 C
31.1 C




Niger : flood warning on the river

In Niger, the local flooding of the river began in mid-August and manifested itself in rapidly rising water levels in Niamey.

According to the Niger Basin Authority (ABN), the climbs have accelerated in recent days to reach the yellow alert level in Niamey on September 1.

And since Thursday, September 7, the river is on orange alert. The ABN said this weekend that « predictions and observations upstream of Niamey show that the orange alert will last the next 3 days »

For this level of alert, rising water levels could have significant impacts on people and property in flood risk areas.

According to the ABN, « it is advisable in these cases to prepare the reception sites for a possible flooding situation ».

The torrential rains in the country since June have killed 44 people and more than 80,000 people have been affected. The rise of water in Niamey will spread downstream to the stations of Malanville in Benin and Jidere Bode upstream of the Kainji dam in Nigeria, ABN highlights.