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Tuesday, February 11, 2025


36.2 C
35.2 C
32.9 C





Aïr festival, a melting pot of culture in northern Niger

Launched in 2001 as a tourism appeal product, the Aïr festival took place this year in Iferouane, a town located in the extreme north of Niger. Placed under the authority of Prime Minister Brigi Rafini,...

Mali: the « Bamako » series, polygamy at the heart of the plot

The new « Bamako » series, shooting in the Malian capital tells the story of a polygamous home « united in adversity ». Objective: to show everything beautiful in our capitals, according to the...

Researchers are digitizing Nigeria’s cultural heritage. But can they bring stolen artifacts home?

By Nosmot Gbadamosi Last August, artist Emeka Ogboh received a call. The world was in the thick of unwavering Black Lives Matter protests that toppled statues of slave traders and confederate generals. Activists were attempting...

Digital archives immortalize West African culinary and political history

By Kay Ugwuede The seeds that blossomed into Ozoz Sokoh’s FeastAfrique, a digital archive and library of West African culinary history, were several: past experiences documenting the history of African cuisine, curating libraries for individuals...

Queer Nigerians return to a homophobic learning environment

By Shade Mary-Ann Olaoye In December 2020, the umbrella body for Nigerian lecturers, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASSU) called off its strike, and schools began resuming classes. After months of staying at home...

The #RepealSSMPA protest got people talking. But what’s next?

By Shade Mary-Ann Olaoye The hashtag #RepealSSMPA began to trend on Nigerian Twitter and beyond on March 21st, 2021. #RepealSSMPA was a solidarity action in response to Nigerian queer Youtuber VicWonder, who called for the...

Adji Sarr and Ousmane Sonko, or rape culture at its zenith

By Aïda Dramé What country is this when at night, the law of the strongest strikes? These mythical lyrics of Michel Berger keep repeating in my mind when I think about the recent events in...

Mali : in Bamako, the artistic and cultural biennale resumes

Bamako will host the special edition of the artistic and cultural biennale organized by the Malian Ministry of Culture, accompanied by the Communication agencies of Mali employers’ group. The Malian capital, Bamako, is preparing to...

Book : Mali, between torments and expectations

In a sober book, Anta Barry makes an uncompromising diagnosis of the security, political and humanitarian crisis that has thrown Mali in the midst of the turmoil and from which it is now rising....

Timbuktu : a festival to celebrate “living together”

The third edition of the "Living Together" festival in Timbuktu will be held from February 8th to 12th. The announcement was made by the organizers in Bamako, on January 11th, at a press conference. Placed...